Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm just discovering this blog stuff as part of the Learning 2.0 program although prior to the program I have checked out our Blue Mountains Library blog, our library manager's blog and the Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre Community News & Events site. This week I've looked at the examples given to us of other library blogs - Southern Tablelands (which interested me because I love that region), Sutherland (bright and clear) - country versus city here! By the time I complete this training I plan to be more confident and more convinced that there's a real need for all these tools.


Vicki said...

Hi Rosemary
I love the template you have chosen! Thanks for linking to my blog.

Scarlett said...

Hi Rosemary. I love your template! Where did you find it? next time, I want to make a beautiful and interesting blog. Maybe you can help me?